Sunday, March 24, 2013

Happy Half Birthday Ella!

Meet Monster Ella.
Best outtake shot
We really can't believe a half of a year has gone by since we took home our newest family member. We can't imagine life without her already, either. Life is amazing that way.

At six months old she's rolling, eating solid food, teething like crazy, and as of this weekend, fully sitting on her own!

Aside from the dreaded shots, Ella loves seeing Dr. Lynch.
Ella discovered the paper liner. She thinks it's delicious.
Much to my surprise, our very cutely creased Ella is in the 50th percentile for weight. I guess the average 6 month old has awesome rolls :)

Head Circumference: 43.9 (90th percentile)
Height: 26.25" (60th percentile)
Weight: 16lbs 4oz (50th percentile)

Mom has finally mastered walking with a leash in one hand and a stroller in the other hand. 
First time in the highchair
She's already "loads" of help. Ha!
Hangin' with Dillon at Denica's
Go Uncle Tyler!
We traveled to Bakersfield to cheer Tyler on
as he wrestled in the State tournament.
One of our favorite pictures to date...
Tawyna took it at Nancy's shower :) Love those eyes!
First time eating solid food
Brown rice cereal... yum!
As promised, some "catch-up pictures" from our family time in San Diego in February. Ella is so lucky to have so many special family members who love her.

Ella's first time at the beach in San Diego
Ella loves Auntie Jeanette.
So special they came from Colorado to see us and their girls!
Ella loves cousin Melissa.
Hopefully she can meet cousin Jessica soon!
Dad loving introducing Ella to family
Ella has a newfound love of swinging. She squeals with happiness, which melts the hearts of all of us who take her to the park. So fun!

Swinging with Evie on her first trip to the park
First Swing- I think I like this!!
Grandma TT really knows how to push me, Mom!
Fun with Great-Grandma Ellie
Who's having more fun? You decide :)
First time sitting up in the stroller

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Daffodil Hill

One of my family friends from childhood, Tawyna Lopes, is a really talented photographer. We saw each other recently at my cousin Nancy's bridal shower, where she took some beautiful shots of Ella. It inspired me to look at her photography website, and on her business' facebook page, I learned about her mini photo shoots that she does with children at "Daffodil Hill" in Livermore. Needless to say, I thought it would be an adorable idea for some 6 month photos.

I got there early to make sure Ella was fed and in her Easter dress at the last second (not risking spitting up on it before then), but it didn't help... Ella was not her happy self and couldn't shake it. Teething? Reacting from her 6 month shots from 2 days earlier? Hating her headband (found out it was too tight and won't ever put it back on her again)? Chilly from the wind? Mad at me for dressing her up? We'll never know. 

It amazed me that Tawnya still got some great pictures. I appreciate that she captured some of Ella's many expressions, not just her smiles (we saw zero of those, haha). I'm loving the chubby cheeks and serious stares. It's even great the her beloved monkey made it in there, too. Oh, Ella. Maybe next time.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Our Little Lucky Charm

While I am gathering pictures for Ella's 6 month post, I wanted to share some fun ones from St. Patrick's Day. When trying to take some pictures of her in her festive green outfit full of shamrocks, Jackson decided he'd like to get in on the shoot. They were quite the models!

We had fun walking around the Dublin St. Patrick's Day Festival with Stevie, George, Mrs. B, Mom, and Auntie Birdie. Our little Irish baby tried out her new sunhat and sunscreen for a really beautiful March day. She takes after her father in the skin department :)

"I love you, Jackson"

"I love you, too, Ella"

<Insert loud squeal here> Haha!