Everett's first Halloween meant my first chance to have a costume duo. Meet Ella the Zookeeper and Everett the Monkey. I know I'm biased, but it was totally adorable. Ella loved her panda patch, binoculars, aviator "shades" and dangling keys. Everett tolerated his fancy hat which was a success. So cute, so funny.
Auntie Dora (Sierra) and Uncle Matt took Ella to the pumpkin patch in San Carlos, giving Mommy and Daddy some time at home with newborn Everett. She had a blast and came home with a Mommy/Daddy pumpkin, Ella pumpkin, and brother pumpkin in their respective sizes. She loved playing with the small pumpkins and arranging them in long rows at the patch. It was special for her to have that fun afternoon with Sierra and Matt; so adores them!
Then it came time to help Daddy carve her first pumpkin... I'll let her facial expressions tell you how she felt about it ;)
Meanwhile, Everett supervised... |
The Finished Product: Ella's First Carved Pumpkin! |
We celebrated the holiday by attending Little Hands' Halloween Party, where the whole school came together for games, snacks, crafts, etc. We invited Papa and Grandma to come, and all of us enjoyed seeing so many adorable toddlers in costume. We were complimented on Ella's costume being "original." She rocked the glasses for most of the party :)
Ella in Full Costume for the Little Hands Halloween Party |
Pumpkin Art with Papa |
Trick-or-Treating with Grandma:
First Face Painting |
Family Pic at the Little Hands Halloween Party |
Rainy weather and a newborn swayed our Halloween Day plans to having a fun time around the house. We made and played with orange play dough and had a special Spider Lunch and pink popcorn for snack. Ella loved answering the door for our ONE trick-or-treating family: our next-door neighbors who came to meet Everett with their two kiddos. A dead-end street and hilly nearby streets make for a low-traffic, quiet Halloween night, but that was just right for our young family. Next year will be different I'm sure!
Halloween Night Photo Shoot
Action Shot :) |
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