Monday, November 25, 2013

First Steps, Best Friday

Rewind to Friday...

I spent most of the late afternoon with Ella sitting on my lap in the chair in her room. She would sign and say "book" handing me one from her drawer, I'd picker her up and read it to her, and she'd pop down and get another, starting the routine all over again. I think we got through 7 in a row. I was in heaven having her so engaged in books for the first time, showing that she wanted me to read to her and pointing to the illustrations as I read for such a long time. I got so excited every time she could show me where the hippopotamus was...the frog, bear, bird, baby... It was incredible to see just how much she understands now.

After Chris got home we ate dinner, and then we were playing with her on the floor. As we sat there together she took her first steps between us. First it was 2 or 3 before flopping down on the floor, and she did that a couple of times. After a few minutes she got up to 7 steps in a row! What great luck that we got to experience that together. We'll never forget the incredible smile she flashed us (or me screaming with excitement on accident!). In true Ella fashion, we clapped and said "yay" after each set of steps.

To top it off, Ella learned how to cheers with her play teacup. We had a tea party for three, laughing every time she clinked our cups or put her cup up to her mouth and let out an "ehhhh" afterward as if she was totally refreshed. Hysterical. 

It was an awesome day in the Garber household... Oh, how our Fridays have changed. And we wouldn't change it for the world. 

Here's a little clip of Ella practicing with some of her first steps:

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