Saturday, January 26, 2013

one, two, THREE, FOUR

Miss Ella is growing and changing every week, and she hasn't stopped amazing us-- or getting cuter :). Since turning 4 months a little over a week ago, she's lifting her head up high when on her tummy, rocking when lying on her back, sitting in her Bumbo and jumper, popping her pacifier back in, and starting to giggle (though not on demand unfortunately). It's getting more fun as time goes on, which is good because I find myself sad she's getting big so fast. Where's my little newborn baby?

4 Month Stats
Weight: 14 lbs. 13 oz., ~60th percentile
Height: 24 1/2 in., ~50th percentile
Head Circumference: ~90th percentile
Likes: mornings, the taste of her hands, anything that can go in her mouth, her stuffed Goofy, pacifiers, rattles, music, her play gym, Jackson, the sound of her own voice (the louder the better), drooling
Dislikes: burping, tummy time (getting better now that she's getting stronger), getting into the carseat

2013 has started off busy with heading back to work, but I am so happy to be job-sharing. Working two days gives me a great balance, as I really enjoy the classroom and my colleagues but can't imagine full time away from Ella. It has me that much more appreciative of my days with her. Transitioning back and forth with my partner is going to take a lot of practice, but I know we'll get into the groove of things very soon. I'm so grateful to be working with such a wonderful teacher with whom I'm not only a good professional match, but friends, too. Chris has been working harder than ever, and he's excited to be attending Stanford's Emerging CFO Program for an upcoming week in February and then in May.

Some non-holiday pictures of the last few months:

Andy's First Birthday
Andy's Moves 

Ella Meets the Kachmariks!
We were so happy to have our good friends from Montana visit :)
Hangin' with Joi
Baby lounger or dog bed?
Pedro votes dog bed. Ella loved the snuggle.

Thanks for the cute hat Great Grandma Barbi! Go Uncle Tyler!
Livermore Wrestling Team's Cutest Mascot to Date
Lunch date with Grandma
This face says so much.
Like, "Wait, we're not hanging out all day tomorrow, Mom?"
Grandpa's Recovery Buddy
So glad he's doing better :)
Lounging with Dad and Jackson in my slippers.
Look what I can do with my neck!


  1. She is just an absolute doll, like really looks like a doll. Thanks for sharing. Hope your going back to work has been OK, sounds like such a great situation.

  2. Thanks, Ali!! It has been ok-- still adjusting. It's definitely a great situation. I've really grateful for it! How is work/being a mom going for you? I can't wait to meet Grady!
